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Can You Be of Help?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before; I am Ms. Aisha Gaddafi, the only daughter of the embattled President of Libya, Hon. Muammar Gaddafi who was murdered by the rebels on 20 October 2011. I am currently residing in Oman unfortunately as a refugee with three kids.
I am writing this mail with tears and sorrow from my heart asking for your urgent help. I have passed through pains and sorrowful moment since the death of my late father.  At the meantime, my family is the target of Western Nations led by NATO who wants to seize all that my late father has acquired at all costs. Our investments and bank accounts in several countries are their targets to freeze.
My Father of blessed memory deposited the sum of $10.5M (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in one of the Security Companies at Dubai (United Arab Emirates) which he used my name as the next of kin.  I have been commissioned by the Management of the Company to present an interested Foreign Investor/Partner who can stand as my Trustee and receive the fund in his/her account, due to the Law of the country and my refugee status i did not authorized to Claim the fund without a help of Foreign Trustee, so that is why i decided to contact you to see if you can be of help.
Do understand that since the death of my father we have been betrayed seriously by Father's friends and associates. I was in Algeria, from where I moved down to Oman after being expelled from Algeria. We were accepted into Oman by the Omani Royal Family and we have been living in this country for years now. 
 Please if you can help me to stand as my Foreign Trustee and receive the fund in your country kindly get back to me urgently for us to discuss on how to achieve this effectively, because I am tired of staying here as a refugee and I want to come over to your country and start a new life, where I am planning to leave and invest the fund if everything goes well as i plan it.
Please you don't have to disclose it to anybody because of what is going on with my entire family since the death of my father. Please try to understand my situation and help me out. As soon as i hear from you then I will direct you on how you will contact the Security Company in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) as my Foreign Trustee.
 I am expecting to read from you soon.
Yours Sincerely, 
Ms. Aisha Gaddafi.

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